This interactive book will help teach your students about the question "What" and about vehicles and who drive them!
This product includes 12 different vehicles
-12 images of vehicles
-12 different people
-A cover page for the interactive book
-A page of objectives
-A page of instructions
- The WH question "what?"
- Vocabulary
-Sentence (Oral language and written language )
The steps of preparation are included in the product.
Build your kid language skills with this interactive book. An Interactive book require the student to move the pictures and participate. This active participation makes the learning more fun.
This interactive book will help the student develop matching skills, categorization skills language (receptive and expressive), attention skills and reading simple sentences.
Some words are repetitive for early readers.
How to install
You can now add layouts you create in the Shop Admin into any post or page. To make it simple a Shortcode Generator is included. You can access it via this button.
The first button is the shortcode generator launcher and the second one ( the one with a plus ) ads a single audio player to the page from the media gallery.